Thank you to Councilman Matt Zone (Nicole's own councilman) and the fine folks at Detroit Shoreway Community Development Organization for offering us the space. As well as our 'parent' organization at St. Clair Superior Development that said yes, this can work to help us tell the story of upcycling in St. Clair, go for it. Our awesome staff at Upcycle Parts Shop said hell yes, they would float back & forth between shops. And the ever
John Farina of ARTneo (former the Cleveland Artists Foundation) is an amazing collaborator is sharing wifi with us while we share an extra corner of the cool space until their new space at 78th street studios is read. Our superskilllllllllllled friend Laura Watilo Blake is helping us document the process of popping-up and our friend Gregory Wilson shared an awesome photo of Gordon Square Arts District with us. Our friends at Grace Brothers Urban Farm store are scheming on how we can offer hot chocolate on our last day. And the season is just beginning.
thanks, already.
Love, Lauren Krueger, space transformationist extraordinaire
Nicole McGee, artistic director of Upcycle Parts Shop
2013 Holiday season we've popped up in the St. Clair neighborhood! A big giant whooping thanks to St. Clair Superior CDC for bringing us in under the vision of their Upcycle St. Clair project (funded by ArtPlace America) and to Saint Martin de Porres High School for opening up their space for us! Find us at 6202 St. Clair Avenue. We are open Thursdays-Saturdays, 12-8 and Sundays 10-4.
2013 Summer: Our energy went toward the Upcycle St. Clair project and we had to forgo our summer shop. We love our friends in Detroit Shoreway and we're grateful to them for the enthusiastic encouragement to host our pop-up at the pARTy in Gordon Square for the third year in a row. Alas, we just couldn't manage it + other commitments so we passed the opportunity onto our collaborative friend Amy of Rural Urban Stuff, who organized her second installment of an EcoCle event in a vacant space for the festival. She did an awesome job and we love the work she's doing to engage more artists & upcyclists in the creative economy. Thanks Amy.
2012 Holiday Collective Upcycle:
5th Street Arcades was awesome to us. And so were lots of other people, our upcyclists especially.
2012 Summer Collective Upcycle:
Sweet Moses is an amazing neighbor, again. Detroit Shoreway Community Development Organization & Gordon Square Arts District are amazing to work with and so is Habitat for Humanity ReStore. Near West Theatre has been awesome at sharing props with us for staging & merchandising and that new partnership has made us smile day & night. Mr. Hero's across the street is generous and friendly each time we ask for a favor and TurnStyle Boutique is incredibly supportive & kind. This neighborhood is awesome and we love being a part of it, even if just for a small bit of time. Thanks.
2011 Holiday Collective Upcyle:
Katharyne Starinsky & Mary Brown are neighbors any neighborhood is lucky to have. They wooed us to this side of town, made appointments for us, and helped us land where we have. We love the way you do community, and we are grateful to be part of yours this holiday season!
Coral Company has been great & makes us grateful already. They have a gong in their office and they say nice things like this! “As the owner and steward of Shaker Square, we’re thrilled to partner with Collective Upcycle. This unique store will be a great addition to our lineup of restaurants and merchants and offer a healthy dose of creativity and cheer to the neighborhood this winter. Collective Upcycle enhances the growing community of galleries and local arts nonprofits at the Square.”
----Jeff Epstein, Coral Company
We think our neighbor Lake Erie Artist Gallery have some pretty cool goods all year long & we're glad to call them a friend.
We look forward to getting to know Fire, our next-door neighbor that is serving as a great landmark already (we are happy to be "beside Fire restaurant")
Zerolandfill Cleveland has continued their strong tradition of sharing whatever goods they've got and we appreciate those repurposed goods, every time.
Summer 2011 Gordon Square Collective Upcycle:
Collective Upcycle owes a debt of gratitude to our friends at Detroit Shoreway Community Development Organization and Gordon Square Arts District for inviting us to participate in the upcoming Parade the Circle Party in Gordon Square day on Saturday June 11th. It's a party day with free trolleys to Parade the Circle in University Circle, live bands, free cartoons at the Capitol, a beer garden, and lots of other fun! See more information here.
We're also grateful to Weapons of Mass Creation Fest for helping us spread our word and for the great work and cool event they're planning down the street.
Also, Sweet Moses is a sweet neighbor.
Elbee Studios did a rad job on our logo and we love it.
Habitat for Humanity ReStore has been awesome in partnering with us and lending us furniture for our displays and to sell, (they love reuse as much as we do!)
Zerolandfill Cleveland has continued their strong tradition of sharing whatever goods they've got and we appreciate those repurposed goods, every time.
We are grateful.