Monday, October 24, 2011

Great place, great space. We're looking forward!

“As the owner and steward of Shaker Square, we’re thrilled to partner with Collective Upcycle. This unique store will be a great addition to our lineup of restaurants and merchants and offer a healthy dose of creativity and cheer to the neighborhood this winter. Collective Upcycle enhances the growing community of galleries and local arts nonprofits at the Square.” 
----Jeff Epstein, Coral Company

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Announcing.....Our Holiday Digs!

Collective Upcycle Holiday Boutique will open again this holiday season!  We chose to announce our holiday location today, in honor of ReUse Day....drum roll..... 

We will be in historic Shaker Square! 

The great people at Coral Company "got it", like what we do and have been super nice.  We're excited about this partnership.   Our shop will take over the empty shelves of the former beverage and spirits store beside Fire Restaurant.  Tucked into an inviting walkway with lots of empty windows, wall to wall shelving, and a quirky layout we can't wait to take over, it feels like a great fit. 

The boutique will be full of the goods of 30+ local & regional reuse artists & upcyclists.    It will be the plastic bag, cast away glass, reclaimed sweater, salvaged bicycle part, scrap wire, expired flooring sample, scrap paper, sailcloth, and all around recycled/reusey/upcycling space that we dream of....And what a great place for holiday shopping!

Save the date to join us for an opening celebration the evening of Thursday, November 17th.  Following that, we'll be open Thursdays-Sundays until Christmas eve. Prepare yourselves.   This is going to be great!